ESD grounding or ESD bonding reference point

The vital part of an ESD Control Program is the grounding. Grounding provides a path for electrostatic charges to flow to ground.

ESD grounding or ESD bonding reference point is the ground point where ESD Technical elements are connected to. This ESD grounding/bonding system can be any of the following:

• AC equipment ground
• Auxiliary ground
• Equipotential bonding

AC equipment ground:

AC equipment ground is preferred as the ESD grounding/bonding reference point. It is the 3rd terminal of an ac power receptacle. When ESD Technical elements such as wrist strap, floor mat, cart and work surface are connected the AC equipment ground, they are brought to near or to the same electrical potential with other AC powered equipments or tools used within the ESD Protected area or also known as EPA.

When AC equipment ground is used as the ESD grounding system, it has to be verified periodically as defined in the ESD Control program plan.
The followings have to be verified by using an Impedance meter:
• Wiring orientation of the Hot, Neutral and equipment grounding conductor are not reversed.
• The impedance of the equipment grounding conductor from the AC equipment receptacle to the neutral bus in the main service equipment panel shall be less than 1 ohm.
• The neutral and the equipment grounding conductor are not connected at the AC power receptacle.

Auxiliary ground:

An auxiliary ground is basically a separate supplemental grounding conductor used to provide a grounding path for the ESD Technical elements.

Some organizations require the use of an auxiliary ground as their ESD grounding system.
Again, the auxiliary ESD ground has to be verified to ensure its integrity and adequacy as the ESD grounding/bonding reference point.
The resistance between the Auxiliary ground and the AC equipment ground shall be less than 25 ohm.

Equipotential bonding:

When AC equipment ground is not available for example out in the field service area, equipotential bonding system can be used to safely handle ESD sensitive parts.

All the ESD Technical elements, tools and equipments and materials are bonded and connected to the same common connection point. This methodology helps to equalize all the electrostatic charges that present in the total system, and as a result there is no hazard electrical potential difference between the items in the system that could potentially cause ESD damage.

ESD Training Plan

While ESD training is necessary for those who set up and maintain the effectiveness of the company ESD Control Program, it is also important for all employees who handle the ESD sensitive items in the organization.

The ESD Coordinator or ESD Control Program Manager can get himself/herself trained on ESD by reliable ESD consultants in the neighborhood or through resources available in the internet.

Some of the ESD consultants available for ESD training and consultancy are:

Steve Halperin and Associates
His products includes ESD training and seminar, ESD materials evaluation and testing, Facility auditing and evaluation, ESD S20.20 Program design and Product development.
His teams comprises of Ron Gibson and John Kinnear, both are famous ESD S20.20 Training gurus.
Ted Dangelmayer and Associates
Ted has come out with a team called ESD Dream Team. His team comprises of 4 PhD Experts and 3 Global ESD Program Managers. Ted also wrote a book called ESD Program Management that is widely used by most ESD coordinators across the globe. Famous for Class 0 ESD training program and teams have vast experience in ICs and heads.
Dr Jeremy Smallwood
Dr Jeremy Smallwood is from England, offering ESD Training and consultancy and Research support in the area of ESD and ignition energy study, ESD test and measurement according to British and International Standards.
Bob Vermillion
Bob Vermillion is a key technical person in RMV Technology group. RMV is a 3rd Party Independent ESD Investigative Auditing & Testing arm for USA Manufacturing Sites in China, Malaysia, Korea, Taiwan, Philippines, South America and Europe.
Bob is a specialist in ESD packaging and widely recognized across the globe.

The ESD coordinator or ESD Control Program Manager can acquire and improve his/her competency through periodic training either trough External training or through self study from resources available on the internet.

It has become part of the responsibility of ESD Coordinator to establish the ESD Training plan for the organization.
The ESD training plan should specify
• when the ESD training is given
• the techniques or methods used for ESD training
• the ESD training frequency
• the method used to gauge the trainee comprehension and training adequacy
Although the ESD training material contents is at the organization’s discretion, it should address the basic of ESD and controls that the organization wants the employee to follow.

The ESD training materials should also be reviewed from time to time to reflect new changes and controls that complies with the changing ESD requirements by the ESD standards and customer’s requirements.