Is paper a real threat to your ESD Control Program?

Paper is commonly found in any manufacturing lines be it an electronic manufacturing or non electronic manufacturing line.

Paper is commonly used to record down the results of an activity, status of production output or status of the production lots.

So is paper a real threat to your ESD Control Program? The answer is both YES and NO.
It is all depends on where you are on the earth planet.

If you are making your ESD Sensitive parts in a climate which is cold and dry, then the answer is YES.
If you are making your ESD sensitive parts in a climate with a high humidity, then the answer is NO.

Paper is hygroscopic in nature. It absorbs moisture from the environment and therefore makes it less tribocharging and unharmful when used in an environment with high humidity.

Under certain humidity, paper absorbs moisture, well enough to make its resistance to fall somewhere in the range of dissipative and as such allows the flow of static charges to the ground. In an environment with high humidity, paper is not a threat to the ESD Sensitive devices.

In a dry climate with a low humidity, there is not much moisture from the air for the paper to absorb and as such it becomes insulative and easily to tribocharge.
When the paper is placed under the ESD sensitive (ESDS) parts, it would block or hinder the flow of static charge from the ESDS parts to the ground.
This is a threatening situation especially if you are dealing with a highly ESD sensitive devices such as GMR (Giant Magnetoresistive) or MR (Magnetoresistive) head.

Is there a substitute for the paper which is harmful to your ESD Control Program?
The Answer is an astounding YES.

Techni-Tool ESD Paper, 8.5" X 11", Ream Of 500 Sheets

Paper 17x11" ESD White w/ Pink Stripe, 500 Sheets Per Ream

Printer Roll Paper ESD 3x2.75" 150 Ft, 7/16"Core White w/ESD Logo 10 Rolls

Gauge the effectiveness of Your ESD Control Program

The main responsibility for any ESD Coordinators is to ensure the ESD Control Program that you established for the organization you work for is running effectively.

How do you know whether the efforts you have put in ensuring the ESD sensitive parts are not damaged by static electricity really bring you the results you expect?

There are several ways you can use to gauge the effectiveness of your ESD Control Program.

• customer feedbacks or complaints
• internal testing fallout

Each of the customer complaint or internal testing fallout must be analyzed through a defined process.
Investigating ESDS parts failure through proper Failure Analysis techniques will
help to determine the root cause for the component failure.

Results from monitoring the customer complaints and internal testing fallout in a systematic way with a root cause defined can be used as an indicator which you can use to track the effectiveness of all the efforts you have put in establishing the ESD Control Program.

It is also a good indicator to be used to gauge your work performance.

When there is a systemic problem in the ESD Control Program, ESD failures in ESDS parts will occur in a systematic trend.

Learn more about ESD failures through ESD photos…
ESD Damage photos

Learn more about setting up an ESD Control Program independently…
How to Set Up an ESD Control Program without ESD Consultants?

ESD Professional affected by economic slowdown?

In this current economic slowdown, many jobs have been slashed out from organization regardless of its size around the world.

Each and every individual worries about his/her fate in the organization. What about those work in the field of ESD? Are you, ESD Coordinator, ESD Engineer or ESD Program Manager affected by this current economic slowdown?

If you are still holding your current position, it is time to wake up and do some real stuff for your organization. Initiate some improvements be it a direct cost saving project or yield improvement or reduction in customer feedback.

Knowledge is power! Yes, by having appropriate knowledge you are able to think and come out with some ideas to improve activity around you in your organization.

There are many ways to improve your knowledge in the field of ESD.
Some are:

• Actively involve in ESD forum
• Networking with ESD professionals
• Get hold of ESD books and do some readings
• Getting yourself trained by veteran ESD trainers

If training opportunity is controlled and limited during this economic slowdown, it is always a way to improve your knowledge if you are really determined to do it.

Getting hold of good ESD Books is a well recommended way to expand your knowledge horizon. Some of ESD books in the market place are:

Esd Program Management: A Realistic Approach to Continuous Measurable Improvement in Static Control (The Springer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science)

How to Set Up an ESD Control Program without ESD Consultants?

Knowledge means nothing unless you use it. Use what you know and improve it further if you can. Lastly implement or do some improvements out from the knowledge you have just obtained.

With that, you have benefited from what you invested.
Start investing in your own self if your organization can not do it for you at this current economic slowdown.

What you know will last with you forever but not your jobs.
What you know will save your jobs too.
What you know will help to land you another opportunity…

Wake up and start giving your brain some vitamins in order to start work effectively.